Blitz Phoenix
Blitz Phoenix - Chapter 20, Page 34

Chapter 20, Page 34

I have some things I need to correct on this page, I'm sure it's obvious, but officially the page isn't late, lol.

That's it for chapter 20! I'm going to take a two month break to prepare the next chapter. Hoping to have everything in order and not have such a shitty update schedule. So plan on the comic returning on January 29, 2022 January 31st, 2022!

Thanks everyone for reading, being patient, and sticking around for as long as you all have.

Happy holidays, stay safe and healthy, and have fun.

EDIT: Final page is up now, if you came by earlyer and don't see the changes, ctrl+F5 will hard refresh your browser and force it to update.

This chapter honestly was very tough, just inking this page alone took over six hours. So please appreciate that I made the update on time for at least that, this page was a lot, haha.

EDIT 2: Wow this really said "January 29th" for like two months without me realizing that's a Saturday, the comic is actually coming back on Jan 31st, I'm very sorry lol

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