Blitz Phoenix
Blitz Phoenix - Chapter 22, Page 11

Chapter 22, Page 11

Hey guys! Sorry about all the breaks, and a big thank you to anyone who's coming back. Trying to restart for reals this time. I talked with an old comic friend and he helped me sort out some of the stuff in this chapter's script that was just not sitting right, and I feel better about moving forward. As a result, I may be changing the title and title page of the chapter. I'll let you all know when it's updated, but it's very small potatoes, so I'll be mulling over it for a bit.

I wanted to do a little recap for folks on what's happening, since things have been so sporadic and then pretty much stopped. Feel free to reread of course, but in case you don't want to, this list should help.

Last chapter:

  1. Terry got into an argument with Mark.
  2. Terry stormed off and decided to talk to the miners.
  3. The miners didn't want to talk to Terry, saying that Eden listens to their conversation.
  4. Terry finds the minders' hiding spot, which is off-shore from the main island on a smaller island. He goes to their hideout to ask them questions. The miners confirm that they're being held captive and forced to work as slaves. They also suggest that Eden isn't a plant, calling it a snake, because it bleeds when injured and eats the miners.
  5. Nat/Mark did their own investigation, inside the mansion. They discovered the miners aren't being paid.
  6. Eden followed Terry to the secret hideout and attacks the miners. One miner's chest is pierced by its teeth. Everyone evacuates, Eden chases Terry over the others, so Terry leads Eden away from the others - except for Jay, who is with Terry.
  7. Terry defeats the head of Eden that was chasing them with the help of the miners. Afterwards they talk a bit, where Lars tells Terry they don't want his help, saying that if Terry actually wants to help, he can do so by killing Eden himself.

This chapter:

  1. Terry returns to the mansion. He tries to confront Hazard over the fact that Eden is much more violent and deadly than he was led to believe. He asks Hazard if he knew Eden eats people. Hazard dodges the question and orders Terry to lie down in his room.
  2. Terry, Nat, and Mark swap stories. Nat/Mark ask if Terry is okay, which Terry takes the wrong way and starts arguing with them, bringing in the fight he had with Mark that morning. Nat defends Mark and tells him off.

That's not everything but it is a lot of the main points. Feel free to ask for reminders in the comments and I'll try to link to pages that clarify.

Going forward, plan on just having once a week updates. They'll probably be on Mondays, but this week will be Wednesday. I would love to do two a week updates like I used to, but so much has changed in my life over the last few years (for the good) that it's hard to promise that. I may write up some more of my goings-on and feelings later but I figure for today, I'll keep the post focused on this summary.

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